Impact Brief: P-TECH (Pathways in Early College High Schools)

Colorado Succeeds believes every student in Colorado should graduate from high school with a diploma, a postsecondary credential with market value, and a high-quality career-connected learning experience. Through policy and advocacy, we work to ensure all of Colorado’s students have access to a game-changing education.

To help answer this question, Colorado Succeeds developed a series of impact briefs analyzing many of the programs currently focused on postsecondary credit opportunities and career-connected learning in high school.

In 2015, Colorado was ranked nationally with the 3rd highest percentage of jobs requiring postsecondary education or training for employment. That same year, the Colorado legislature passed HB15-1270, “Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools” (P-TECH), which brought an innovative new school model that connects K–12, postsecondary, and industry partners through a formal education structure.