Removing Barriers & Creating Opportunity for All Coloradans
Public policy is a critical lever for removing barriers to innovation, and scaling promising practices. We advocate for system changes that reach learners from all parts of Colorado.
Our Policy Work
Colorado Succeeds champions policies that promote equitable access to high-quality education experiences, from early childhood through career.
We co-create policy alongside learners, families, educators, and community and business leaders and leverage the business voice to advocate for their successful passage.
We then participate in the rulemaking and implementation process to facilitate rapid and high-quality adoption.
We work across silos to address the full learner continuum, early childhood through career.

Postsecondary & Workforce Development
Colorado must put more people on the path to postsecondary and career success and cultivate a pipeline of workers for in-demand jobs across the state. That’s why we co-create efficient workforce solutions in and out of the higher education system.
- Industry-aligned pathway programs both in and out of traditional higher ed programs
- Learner-first funding aligned to outcomes
- Transparent accountability systems that center around economic mobility for learners
- A fair credit transfer system that recognizes the skills, competencies, and mastery of learners.
College & Career Pathways
We know that learners who explore their strengths, interests, and career options early on see greater long-term success. By supporting meaningful work-based learning experiences, we offer learners a clear path to a sustainable career and employers a stronger talent pipeline
- Access and choice of high-quality schools and programs that meet the needs and interests of the learner.
- Development, alignment, and expansion of high-wage, high-growth career pathways.
- Transparent information on pathway opportunities and market demand.
- Flexible funding models that connect K12, postsecondary, and workforce.

The K-12 system has long been a one-size-fits-some model that doesn’t respond to the unique needs of learners. Identifying bright pockets of innovation and success and supporting them through policy allows us to scale best practices.
- Access and choice to high-quality, evidence-based instruction focused on:
- Full-day instruction for all Kindergartners
- Reading proficiency by 3rd grade
- Math proficiency by 8th grade
- Career exposure by 9th grade, and an
- Industry credential or certificate by high school graduation.
- A learner-centered K12 funding formula that allocates resources based on need, and aligns incentives to outcomes.
- Accountability for school-level outcomes and support for achieving them.
- Transparent and easy-to-access information and resources for families.
Early Childhood Education
For every $1 spent on early childhood, $2.25 is returned to the economy, and for each childcare job, business creates 1.5 jobs. Supporting high-quality early childhood education ensures all children can reach their fullest potential while bolstering our state economy.
- Access to high-quality, evidence-based instruction that sets learners up for K-12 and beyond
- Choice for families when deciding on early learning models
- Learner-first funding for all programs

Business Principles
Learners First: Prioritize the needs of the learner over the system
Equity: Prioritize learners furthest from opportunity
Transparency & Accountability: Collect the right data and share it publicly
Choice & Innovation: Expand options and remove barriers
Return on Investment: Channel limited resources to opportunities for greatest impact
Agility: Respond and adapt to a constantly changing environment