St. Vrain Valley Schools is nestled in a suburban community that is also home to a bevy of high tech companies, construction projects, restaurants, and a host of other career opportunities requiring specialized education and certifications.
Community need and state incentives have accelerated the district’s already strong investment in career success programs.
The St. Vrain Valley School District took advantage of the recently-launched Career Success Program, which created fiscal motivation for Colorado school districts to accelerate work-based learning programs. Thom Ingram, Instructional Technologist for St. Vrain Valley Schools, said the district has already seen increased funding through the program. The school district is expanding opportunities via its Innovation Center and continues to regularly engage with local businesses.
St. Vrain’s Innovation Center introduces students to a wide-variety of hands-on learning activities. The opportunities there help students develop job-focused strengths and interests.
In addition, the district’s strong partnerships with local businesses provide students with opportunities to gain the skills and experiences required for today’s jobs and businesses’ future needs. Students have access to internships, mentorships, and counseling with industry experts.
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